I love that example of her modeling back to you what she's seen. 💜

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What a beautiful response 💗 I've learned so much watching you parent from afar and I'm praying for sweet baby boy as he continues to grow 🥹

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We have three grown and growing boys who love God, and His people. I had to learn early that no matter what methods we incorporated in parenting, they would be useless without first leaning into the grace of wisdom. How often I needed more than the logic of what I could see. The Holy Spirit knew the condition of my child’s heart. Your children will be so, so blessed as you continue to parent in grace.

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💛💛💛 love this so much! What a challenge and a privilege to parent wisely as God's children!

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So good, Rachel. We have a google doc related to prayer (bits of collected goodness) that I've printed off for our fridge. One helpful section is this one:

Pause Prayers

*parent of this child —> me as a child of God

*discipline as CONTROL —> discipline as DISCIPLESHIP

Lord, help me to remember I’m more like this child than not.

Lord, help me to approach this child with all the grace and truth

you approach me with when I sin.

Lord, help me to shepherd this child in the way you shepherd me.

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Rachel, your patience and confidence in God's truth and goodness in parenting Hildy is a thing to behold. Well done...

PS have you read this piece by Marissa Burt? Probably so, but I'll link it here. So.good.


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Oh thank you! Marissa is wonderful.

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Beautifully written. I have an autistic child and we've had to work on calming down when the emotions get out of control. I have completely changed my mind on how to parent since having kids. Grace is so much more powerful.

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