I grate too-large zucchini in my food processor and bake them into chocolate cake! So moist and good!

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I'm sitting on the north side of Lake Ontario watching the Monarch Butterflies start their long journey south.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise Him all creatures here below.

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Love this! I could relate so much to this part:

Living in survival mode for so long, as our little family has, drains the body. As does praying prayers of pure petition. I miss talking to God about who He is, and how glorious His creation is, rather than simply pleading with Him for help. As I sat with you - precious you - looking at your round face and blunt-cut bangs, and at our garden, brambles and all, I started to sing...

I can think of precise moments, one that particularly stands out, just like this, just wanting to rest in God’s goodness.

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I could relate to this part as well. Sometimes all I can think to describe myself is...just so tired.

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“There are so many ways to enjoy a day under God’s new mercies.”

Amen and amen.

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My kids used to call it the Hoomaw song (from hoomaw blessings flow). We often sang it for the blessing at mealtime and when God answered a need we had prayed for.

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Love this!! Motherhood is so beautifully busy. Been able to sit amd be still I'm awe is hard, but looking at the face of my little sunshine, my mind automatically enters praise and worship in such a fulfilled way. Thank you for sharing. It has reminded me not to suppress these moments but to share them!

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Favorite thought from this piece: “My oddities might just become your spiritual disciplines.” I love this

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I find myself singing the Doxology quite often; it's seems to be the only thing I can sing

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For whatever it’s worth, a friend gave us a “daddy” yellow squash that was too fibrous in the middle. I cooked it in the air fryer and it almost tasted like a pumpkin. (It’s seeds were just as big.) I actually liked it.

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I love this so much, Rachel! Sometimes breaking into song is the only way. When I can’t figure this mess out or fix it or ask for help anymore and I chose to open my mouth and sing to God, it heals me a little. Lifts my head a little. Sets me on the path again.

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